Predictive Vector Quantizer Design

Signal Compression Laboratory Research Project


Researcher: Hosam Khalil
Faculty: Prof. Kenneth Rose
Research Focus: It is well known that the design of predictive vector quantizers (PVQ) suffers from fundamental difficulties, due to the prediction loop, which have an impact on the convergence and the stability of the design procedure. In this work we propose an approach to PVQ design that enjoys the stability of open-loop design while it ensures ultimate optimization of the closed-loop system. The method, denoted Asymptotical Closed Loop (ACL), is derived for general predictive quantization, and we demonstrate it on video and speech compression at low bit rates, where it provides substantial improvement over standard open and closed loop design techniques. Further, in the application of video coding, the approach outperforms standard DCT-based video coding.
Presentation & Demo:

Predictive Vector Quantization