The paper titled "Perceptual Distortion-Rate Optimization of Long Term Prediction in MPEG AAC", by Tejaswi Nanjundaswamy, Vinay Melkote, Emmanuel Ravelli and Prof. Rose, wins the Student Technical Paper Award of the Audio Engineering Society, at AES 129th Convention, Nov 2010 more
Emrah Akyol awarded the Spring 2010 ECE Dissertation Fellowship.
Jingning Han awarded for outstanding performance as a Teaching Assistant in 2010 by the Department of ECE.
The paper titled "A modified distortion metric for audio coding", by Vinay Melkote and Prof. Rose, awarded the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE ICASSP, 2009 more
Dr. Aggarwal, Dr. Regunathan, and Prof. Rose awarded the 2007 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award more
Prof. Gersho awarded the 2007 IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award - "For contributions to the theory and application of speech coding" by the IEEE Board of Governors more
